Your support is important to us, because as an organization, OpenNews is working toward a day where community contributions are our highest source of annual support, and therefore our community is who we hold ourselves accountable to when we do our work.
We’ve always been grateful, too, for how much the OpenNews community supports and cares for one another, as well as the future of our industry, and much of our work goes toward facilitating that bond and that work. In this unexpected year, we’re finding ways to take care of one another while continuing to push for change.
At OpenNews, we believe that a community of peers working, learning and solving problems together can create a stronger, more representative, and ascendant journalism. Our work is centered around creating events and community supports to strengthen and sustain this ecosystem. Thank you so much for your help, your ongoing work, and commitment to helping us and your communities.
If you'd like to support us, and you're able to make a recurring donation, please consider joining us as a founding sustainer. Either way, we appreciate knowing that you're here for us, as we try our hardest to be here for the community.